Sunday, August 26, 2018

Not usual anymore, eh?

Good morning! I was reading the book linked to in my last post, "The Miracles of Jesus Explained According To Their Spiritual Meaning", and wondered if anyone had explained the Old Testament miracles in a spiritual light for leaders of nations.

The LORD knows that they definitely need guidance. I have known about General Mattis, about 10 years now, and have wondered since he is a prolific reader of historic military books if he considered reading the Old Testament in the same light. I would love to talk to him about it, because the world has been in a spiritual war since the fall of humanity in the garden. The history of the nation of Israel is of utmost importance.

The Hebrews were not chosen because they are better people. ABRAHAM was chosen because of his faith and his children who are going to be blessed are ALL and ONLY children of faith. The Hebrews were chosen to glorify God on the national level and the One from Nazareth glorifies God, and Himself, on the individual level, so far. The prophecies of His earthly reign will be fulfilled at the exact right time {clockfags}.

Did you know that God told Abraham that his offspring would go to a strange land for 400 years as slaves and then 4 generations later enter the Promised Land because "the iniquity of the Amorite is not yet complete"? Genesis 15:16 General Mattis. 

Do you know what the red line for God was for the Amorite nation? Child sacrifice. Do you know what the red line for God was for Israel? Child sacrifice. Did you know that America crossed that legal red line in 1973? 

Come to think of it, irony or Satan doesn't change either, but the high places of worship to false gods were not always torn down, except under Josiah? Not sure. 

So, as when the sheep will be separated from the goats, it is no coincidence that Israel would split into two nations. The northern pagan nation that never worshiped the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, called Israel, and the southern faithful nation that did worship the One True God most of the time was called Judah and its capital is JERUSALEM.

It was the king who set the precedence for the people. His word was the law so if he did not follow the law given by God, it was chaos. Did you get that General Mattis?

In my opinion, praying for Vice President Pence to live according to the truth is very important and I am looking forward to hearing that President Trump has given his life to God and asked Him for forgiveness because even our good works are as filthy rags without acknowledging God first. It is never "I" who does anything. Did I give myself life? Last I heard, he was not sure if he had ever asked God for forgiveness. He doesn't ever do anything wrong. How could he do anything if God had not given him life? But, as usual, I digress. 

Therefore, I will re-read the Old Testament and consider the spiritual meaning of the miracles for the nations. Have a blessed day!

In Christ Alone

In Christ Alone Lyrics

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Learned so much this morning

I always wonder about everything so when I wondered about the spiritual meaning of Jesus' miracles instead of doing a study on my own as usual I searched for info. I was lead to search instead of do my own (time is of the essence!).

This book could very well be the ember that the Holy Spirit uses as flame to start the revival that this world needs so desperately.

Be healed!

Read "The Miracles of Jesus Explained According To Their Spiritual Meaning" by the Rev. J. Clowes, MA

Found for free download at (scroll down for the format you want)

Ask for wisdom. 

Ask for faith.

Ask for strength.

Acknowledge that He is the creator and all of life is a gift from Him. Our breath, our heartbeat, our mind, our strength, our existence. Then give a holy sacrificial gift to Him. Ask Him what to give and TO whom. It will be an acknowledgment of His supreme reign over life.

The word sacrifice will forever be shadowed by the deaths of the innocent. Avenge them Father!