There is a big debate going on among conservatives (and trolls) over the nomination of the Republican candidate on the website Free Republic. Personally I think all Godly people should be members of the Constitution Party, but I digress.
I would guesstimate that 80% of the posts are about character. People think that both top candidates (Donald Trump and Ted Cruz) will bring about the reversal of the current administrations directives, reverse the destruction of the economy, reverse the rape of our military, and that this will make them happy.
To decide on which candidate is best able to implement the reversal they think it takes an Alpha male. Alpha males are fearless. Alpha males get things done. They point out what is wrong and correct it. They are smart enough to make the right decisions (the ideal alpha male).
This morning ancient words were again brought to my attention.
"And to man He [God] said, "Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom;
And to depart from evil is understanding."
Who repeated these words of truth of discernment? Job in chapter 28 verse 28. Don't just go to the verse. Find out where Job's discourse began and if you really want to know why he said it, read all of Bildad the Shuhite's discourse in chapter 25 (it's short) and continue through Job's reply. Why not, God may bring something relative to your life into your mind.
The fear of the Lord should be familiar to all of God's faithful. Which of the candidates has that wisdom? I don't know. Seems both are FEARLESS. Who will teach them the fear of the Lord? Who will teach us? Are we as voters going to ask God to give us His wisdom to make this decision by submitting ourselves to learning to fear Him? Should we not do this if we expect our leaders to have this character trait?
Do we really want someone who is fearless ruling over us?
edit: I was sharing my Bible reading for today on another blog and have to laugh at what I read that is not relative to that understanding in a way, but definitely needed here.
Job 13:9-12 For the voter and the politician
9 "Will it be well when He examines you?
Or will you deceive Him as one deceives a man?
10 "He will surely reprove you
If you secretly show partiality.
11 "Will not His majesty terrify you,
And the dread of Him fall on you?
12 "Your memorable sayings are proverbs of ashes,
Your defenses are defenses of clay."
So, are you ready?
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