Thursday, April 28, 2016

Is it too late to do this?

I'm a Free Republic (FR) poster but since the DT (heretofore known as DDT) "phenomenon" I can no longer post articles that support the fact that DDT is not a republican, but a chameleon. So.

I will post a link to an article as I did at FR and comment if I have to. Nice thing about your own blog is that, hey, it is my space of free speech. I wonder if I will have to worry about being sued by DDT if he is elected president. Can you sue someone with no money?

Title of article from Washington Examiner whose owner is a true conservative. Love that team. Better add the link to my blog:

Trump and Clinton: Two sides of the same crony capitalist coin

By (@TPCarney) 4/28/16 7:49 PM

""Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, they are two side of the same coin," Fiorina explained on Wednesday afternoon as Cruz introduced her as his theoretical running mate. "Hillary Clinton has made her millions selling access and influence from inside the system. And Donald Trump has made his billions buying people like Hillary Clinton.""

[remember, DDT said he bought politicians. Like Chris Dodd who did what? Created the REAL ESTATE HOUSING BUBBLE.  Didn't donate much cash (if he had any on hand) so it was probably done with perks, golf, hotel, casino...which can be written off on the old tax report.]

article snip...

"Cruz is perhaps the most important opponent of corporate welfare and crony capitalism in Washington. He not only opposed the ethanol mandate in Iowa, he railed against the Export-Import Bank, a corporate welfare agency conservatives managed to kill for about five months last year.
"Cruz, on the Senate floor last year, explained why the fight over Ex-Im, a small agency that gives out only about $25 billion in subsidies a year, was so important. "To every Democrat who rails against big money and the corruption of Washington, as to every Democrat who styles himself or herself a populist, their actions on this matter speak far louder than their words." Every Democrat but Bernie Sanders voted to revive Ex-Im. Hillary Clinton said she wants to put "Ex-Im on steroids.""

"Picking a running-mate while he is a serious underdog in the primary is clearly a Hail Mary pass. The odds are against Cruz and Fiorina. But their message should be seen as the future of the party."
hmmm. The future of the party. Personally, I like the Constitution Party...

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